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Image by Wan San Yip

Rogers Graduate Student Award


The Candace Rogers Award is given annually to a graduate student for an outstanding paper on any current social issue. To submit a nomination for the Candage Rogers Award, please send an electronic version of the eligible paper to the Committee Chair (Prema Kurien, by November 15, 2024. The paper should be in a style suitable for publication in a professional journal and should not exceed 35 double-spaced pages, including tables and references; papers over that length will not be considered. The paper may not be previously published or forthcoming in a professional journal. It may not be coauthored, and its author must be a graduate student at the time the paper is submitted.


The award will be announced and presented at a special session at the annual meeting. The recipient must be an ESS member at the time the award is presented and is expected to be at the meeting to receive the award. 


The 2024 Candace Rogers Award for outstanding paper was awarded to Jacqueline Groccia, Johns Hopkins University for: "The Hidden Costs of Doubling Up". Jonathan Tollefson, Brown University was awarded an Honorable Mention for "Environmental risk and the reorganization of urban inequality in the late 19th century".


Committee Chair:

Prema Kurien,​​

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